Getting started in sewing; the materials!

Starting a new passion, a new hobby, can sometimes not be easy! Especially when it provides us with an astronomical amount of equipment... At the beginning, we don't differentiate between what is necessary and what is a "gadget".
In this article, we will highlight what you ABSOLUTELY need to get started in sewing!
Hand needles
Although the more advanced you are in sewing, the less you will use it, the fact remains that hand sewing needles are essential! They are used for different things such as minor repairs, attaching a button, etc.
Here is another item that we can't do without! As you may have guessed, thread is one of the key elements in sewing! That's why you have to shop carefully. A thread that is too old will break more easily, so for projects that are important to you, buy it new. You should also know that there are many types of thread... 100% cotton, polyester, nylon, UV, etc. The most common is polyester thread. 100% cotton is useful for projects that need to go in the microwave like magic bags because polyester ones will catch fire!
It is good to have in your inventory, different colors for different projects. The most common are of course black, white and gray, which are versatile. But having blue, yellow, red, green, beige, etc. will also be useful.
To finish with the thread, the sizes of the bobbins are also not to be neglected. It is true that a large bobbin is more economical, but you will always have to fill small bobbins to put in your domestic machine, because the large bobbins do not all fit. So take the large bobbins for your overlock machines and your small ones for your straight machines!
Wire cutter
In the category of essentials, the thread cutting scissors are really very useful! YES, your regular scissors do the job just as well, but having a small scissors to carry around when sewing, I will never be without them again!
Seam ripper
Another tool that we don't use every day, but oh so useful! Let's face it, no one likes having to unpick, but this tool is essential for this step.
A ruler will be very useful for measuring, folding, tracing, etc. Eventually you can get special rulers, with different curvatures, useful for grading patterns! But this is not necessary to start sewing.
Sewing scissors
Fabric scissors are one of the most important tools! They come in many styles, lengths, and prices. You don't have to pay a lot for scissors, the important thing is to find scissors that you are happy with. I personally don't like all-iron scissors because they are too heavy, and I like an 8" blade and up! But that's a very personal preference.
One very important thing.. Cut only fabric with these scissors. NEVER paper or anything else! The scissors will be used to cut the pieces of your patterns in the fabrics, the excess threads, etc.
If you have a little more budget, I strongly suggest you buy a rotary cutter as well as a cutting mat. Scissors are essential, but these two tools are a luxury that makes cutting easier and faster! In the long run, knives are a good investment, we can change the blades when they are damaged. Be careful, to use a rotary cutter, you absolutely must have a cutting mat. Not recommended for children!
You will also need at least round-headed needles and a few pliers. These are very useful for holding your fabric pieces together, your braid or even your zippers. You don't need a lot of them, about twenty is enough.
Good machine
As for sewing machines. The basic machine is a straight machine. It is your main tool, your best ally! I always advise investing a little more in this tool because if you have difficulty sewing your project, you will give up before the fun has even begun.
With a straight machine, you can sew a bit of everything. Bags, clothes, accessories, etc. It's really a basic machine. If you want to make more clothes, I also recommend investing in a 4-thread overlocker. Personally, I find that it's not a luxury when you want to sew clothes. I'll explain the difference between a 3, 4 and 5 thread in another article.
For your information, there are other types of sewing machines that are not necessary when starting out, such as coverstitch, embroidery machines, etc.
Good fabric
Sewing is not just about repairing, far from it! It is above all a creative hobby. And to achieve the desired result, you also need the right equipment. It is important to choose the right fabric according to your project. Ask for samples, read about fibers, ask people about their project, participate in sewing evenings... These are all good ways to develop your knowledge!
Related to the project..
In connection with your project, choose the right materials for making such as the pattern, hardware, interfacing, etc.
With the right equipment, you put all the chances on your side for it to be a success. Then you just need time to practice this new passion! Welcome to the family